Our goal is keeping you on.


Real time view of unit operations and location.


Locally owned and operated on Cape Cod MA.


Reliable communications and infrastructure.


Got Power?

Standby generator systems provide one of today's basic necessities, POWER! We are here to help ensure that that equipment is in a ready to run state when it is called on.

Monitoring Options

We offer monitoring systems for most brands and types of generators. Connectivity options include:

  • Cellular
  • Ethernet (wired)
  • WiFi
  • Satellite (Iridium)

About Us:

As a generator service company we have seen first hand how big of a reliability difference it makes when the generators have monitoring. We started requiring all new customers install monitoring as a condition of service contracts. However we were not 100% satisfied with all the monitoring options available. So we are working on our own...

At this time we are still only doing private testing with some of our own select customers.

GeneratorStatus.com is a division of Mark Avery Inc.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us by email phone or good old US mail.

PO Box 322
S. Dennis MA 02660

(508) 896-8890